Warts & Skin Tags & Moles Removal

Skin Warts
Common skin warts, also known as cutaneous warts, are a viral infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus. They look like a blister or a cauliflower. They may rise in round or oval shape and may be lighter or darker than the skin around them. Warts are contagious but not dangerous.
Who gets skin warts
Skin warts are common in adults and children. People with chronic skin conditions such as eczema may have a large number of warts or warts that are very difficult to remove.
Where do warts occur?
Skin warts can occur on any skin area. Often, they are seen on hands knees, elbows, fingers, neck, and armpits.
Causes of Wart formation:
When a virus belonging to the HPV family comes in touch with your skin, it causes an infection. This infection leads to the formation of warts. The virus can be spread by shaking hands or sharing objects like napkins/towels and cause warts on the skin.
Best skin warts removal treatment :
Warts treatment depends upon where the wart is located, its size, and how much it bothers you. Sometimes, they may enlarge or new warts may appear.
For the best skin warts removal treatment, visit Dr. Alekhya’s Skin Clinic, Nellore.
Skin Tags
Skin tags (acrochordons) are common, non-dangerous skin growths. They are made up of many components such as collagen fibers, fat, and nerve cells, small blood vessels. When collagen fibers and blood vessels become wrapped up inside a layer of skin, skin tags are formed.
They can be found on the neck, underarms, under breasts, eyelids, and other skin folds. Skin tags form as small, often flesh-colored bumps. Usually, they may stay that size, or sometimes they will get enlarged when unnoticed. But, they continue to be painless or enlarge and become irritated on some skin areas.
They are more common in people who are overweight and have diabetes.
Moles (medically known as nevi) are a cluster of pigmented cells seen on the skin as black or brown spots. They are mostly harmless, and some could be cosmetically unappealing. If the moles start painful, itching or bleeding, increase in size, then it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. They can occur anywhere on the body and vary in number, size, and color.
Our expert doctors can provide you with the best treatment after analyzing your warts/moles/skin tags condition.
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Call us +91-9701787008

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To book your appointment for Warts, Skin Tags, Mole removal treatment, please call us at: +91-9701787008